Pranata Pakaian Dalam Islam dan Penggunaan Cadar Bagi Wanita Muslimah
Cadar, Islam, Pranata PakaianAbstract
This article is entitled Clothing Rules in Islam and the Use of the Veil for Muslim Women. The aim of this research is to find out the etiquette of clothing in Islam and the laws regarding the use of the veil for Muslim women. The type of research that the author uses is library research. The author uses a type of library research, namely by collecting information and data originating from previous journals and books related to the discussion of this research. The results of the findings are that the term clothing in the Koran is mentioned in various expressions. Among them are libas, tsiyab, sarabil, hijab, and zina. The function and purpose of clothing in Islam is to cover the private parts, adornment, protection and as an indication of identity. The criteria and etiquette for dressing for a Muslim woman are not sparse and strict, not like men, not like non-Muslims, appropriate and simple, not arrogant clothing. The command to wear the veil for Muslim women is not explained explicitly either in the Koran or in the hadith of the Prophet. What Islamic law commands for women is to wear the hijab. The law on wearing the veil for Muslim women is permissible, not obligatory and not mustahab, and it is the right of Muslim women to get used to it, and it is impossible for anyone to prohibit it, because that is only exercising their personal rights.
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